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Contacts and travel to the office

Belarusian tour operator PRPUE «Automated tourism technologies» office Building

Office address, postal address:
220007, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Surazhskaya str. 10, of.21

Time schedule:
- Monday - Friday 09.00-18.00, lunch break 13.00-14.00, Saturday, Sunday - days off.
- cash desk: Monday - Friday 09.00-18.00, lunch break 13.00-14.00

How to get there:
The Office is located in the center of Minsk, near the railway station and the metro station "Institut Kultury".

  • by metro - to the station «Institut Kultury»,
  • by trolleybuses, buses and taxis - to the stops «Institut Kultury», «Moskovskaya», «Tovarnaya»,
  • by car - from the city center along the Nezavisimosty Ave. and Moskovskaya str. (about 500 m) to steady right turn to Surazhskaya str. in the direction to the Yugo-Zapadny district. Along Surazhskaya str. about 130 m, then you'll see an office building and convenient parking on the right.

Detail information about how to get to the office of the Belarusian tour operator >>

The Coordinates for the Navigator:
- navitel - 53 53.053 27 31.936
- google maps - 53.884221, 27.532272

Multichannel telephones: +37517-394-49-11


Administration of the enterprise

  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Gnedaya Marina
  • Director

Health resort and improving services department (city phone: +37517-394-49-11)

  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Shakurava Olga
  • Head
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Dashkevich Anastasiya
  • Specialist
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Goshko Vasilina
  • Specialist
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Tsiarenia Karina
  • Specialist
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Glazko Dariya
  • Specialist
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Savchenko Vladislava
  • Specialist
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Leonovich Elena
  • Lead accountant

Booking department (city phone: +37517-394-49-09)

  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Dashkevich Pavel
  • Head
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Sapego Katerina
  • Specialist

Excursions sales department (city phone: +37517-394-49-13, mob.: +37529-756-66-65)

  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Nikulina Diana
  • Head
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Ogneva Tatiyana
  • Lead specialist
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Yefimenkava Yauheniya
  • Lead specialist
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Yacynovich Alina
  • Specialist

Information technologies department (city phone: +37517-394-49-14)

  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Kastsiukevich Natallia
  • Head
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Yaroshevich Oleg
  • Lead specialist
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Chernyuk Aleksandra
  • Specialist
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Kovalenko Ekaterina
  • Specialist

Development and technical support department (mob. phone: +37529-755-55-49)

  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Markarov Maxim
  • Chief Engineer
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Khaletskiy Aleksey
  • Syst. administrator
  • Автоматизированные технологии туризма
  • Chairkin Aleksandr
  • Software Engineer
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Babitskaya Yuliya
  • Front-End Developer

Accounts department (city phone: +37517-394-58-99)

  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Yaroshevich Svetlana
  • Chief accountant
  • Automated tourism technologies
  • Sundukova Olga
  • Deputy Chief Accountant

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