Office address, postal address:
220007, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Surazhskaya str. 10, of.21
Time schedule:
- Monday - Friday 09.00-18.00, lunch break 13.00-14.00, Saturday, Sunday - days off.
- cash desk: Monday - Friday 09.00-18.00, lunch break 13.00-14.00
How to get there:
The Office is located in the center of Minsk, near the railway station and the metro station
"Institut Kultury".
The Coordinates for the Navigator:
- navitel - 53 53.053 27 31.936
- google maps - 53.884221, 27.532272
Multichannel telephones: +37517-394-49-11
Administration of the enterprise
Health resort and improving services department (city phone: +37517-394-49-11)
Booking department (city phone: +37517-394-49-09)
Excursions sales department (city phone: +37517-394-49-13, mob.: +37529-756-66-65)
Information technologies department (city phone: +37517-394-49-14)
Digital development department (mob. phone: +37529-755-55-49)
Accounts department (city phone: +37517-394-58-99)